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Kamala Das: A Study on her Quest for Identity

Kamala Das: A Study on her Quest for Identity

von Reena Sanasam
Softcover - 9786202197281
49,90 €
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When it comes to mentioning Indian women poets and novelists who assert with all the aggressiveness and boldness of a crusader ,Kamala Das fits the space as she epitomizes the rebellious feminist who writes for a purpose. She ,in fact, represents the pain of every Indian woman who suffers the wrath of patriarchy . Through her rebellious poems, she exhorts all those who are suffering silently to rise up against the male ego ,so that they live all over again without any shackles and suppressions. Kamala Das writes basically on this theme in almost all her works as she always boldly reaches out to her audience, first as a woman ,and then as a poet. She is like every woman when she deals with societal and family problems from an ordinary human being¿s point of view and not a poet or a novelist creating imaginary world .

Empowering Women


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.7 cm
Gewicht 173 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202197281
Seiten 104
