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Judicial Remedies in the European Communities

Judicial Remedies in the European Communities

von Henry Schermers
Softcover - 9789026809514
53,49 €
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Where rights are conferred and duties imposed, where powers are exercised and obedience to rules of law required, judicial remedies are an absolute necessity. This statement was valid in 1969 when the first edition of this book appeared, it is even more so now. Though the political dynamism of the Communities has slackened, the number and effect of their legal rules is still growing. Practising lawyers need to be familiar with the possibilities for legal redress when rules of Community law are violated. But interest in the judicial remedies available in the European Communities is not confined to them alone. Many of the legal problems of the European Communities are problems which any supranational organization will encounter. Any student of international institutional law will benefit from a study of the judicial remedies available in the European Communities. Furthermore, the subject forms a fascinating branch of comparative law. Many of the solutions adopted in the European Communities can be regarded as resulting from a long development of administrative law.

A Case book


Verlag Springer Netherland
Ersterscheinung Januar 1977
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 581 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9789026809514
Seiten 352