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von Dayvisson Damasceno Da Nóbrega, Ivanilda Agustinho Ferreira und Luana Damasceno Diniz
Softcover - 9786203100303
39,90 €
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This book addresses the activity, washing contaminated materials from the sterilization sector, performed by a worker in a hospital located in the Northeast of Brazil. The flow of materials comes from the use by professionals in the medical area, responsible for performing surgical procedures, attending patients, thus comprising an activity of extreme relevance for the excellent functioning of the hospital. The key problem refers to a worker, through a lavatory performs the activity in the standing position, during the morning and afternoon, without seeing the lifting of loads. Therefore, ergonomic analyses will be carried out and then proposals for solutions to the activity will be made, thus using the Reba method, the Corlett diagram and the musculoskeletal disorders questionnaire, making it possible to better visualize and carry out an evaluation of the worker at his workplace.

Analysis of the Work Station activity washing of materials performed in a hospital.


Verlag Our Knowledge Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2020
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.4 cm
Gewicht 96 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786203100303
Seiten 52