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James Stirling’s Methodus Differentialis

von Ian Tweddle
Softcover - 9781447111276
106,99 €
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Hardcover - 9781852337230
106,99 €

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Hardcover - 9781852337230
106,99 €


James Stirling's "Methodus Differentialis" is one of the early classics of numerical analysis. It contains not only the results and ideas for which Stirling is chiefly remembered, for example, Stirling numbers and Stirling's asymptotic formula for factorials, but also a wealth of material on transformations of series and limiting processes. An impressive collection of examples illustrates the efficacy of Stirling's methods by means of numerical calculations, and some germs of later ideas, notably the Gamma function and asymptotic series, are also to be found.

This volume presents a new translation of Stirling's text that features an extensive series of notes in which Stirling's results and calculations are analysed and historical background is provided. Ian Tweddle places the text in its contemporary context, but also relates the material to the interests of practising mathematicians today. Clear and accessible, this book will be of interest to mathematical historians, researchers and numerical analysts.

An Annotated Translation of Stirling’s Text

An Annotated Translation of Stirling’s Text


Verlag Springer London
Ersterscheinung November 2012
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 470 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9781447111276
Auflage Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2003
Seiten 296