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Intratextuality and Self Invention

Intratextuality and Self Invention

von Radia Redouane Benslimane
Softcover - 9786203090093
82,90 €
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Autorenfreundlich Bücher kaufen?!


Understanding the intertextual phenomenon in this new dimension of the text, which is that of its production, leads me to search in the author's own work: the case of Rachid Boudjedra and Assia Djebar, how borrowing is constructed, how self-quoting, self-plagiarism, allusion, reference also result from an appropriation and integration in the very space of the text or work being invented.What importance then is self-referential writing as both a linguistic and an aesthetic fact? And wouldn't the fact that it takes place within a closed novel, or from one novel to another, have something to do with autofictional writing, in other words, with the idea of self-invention?

"Rewriting" by Assia Djebar and Rachid Boudjedra


Verlag Our Knowledge Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2020
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 1.4 cm
Gewicht 352 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786203090093
Seiten 224
