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Internet Banking Portal Service Quality

Internet Banking Portal Service Quality

von Mahendra Sharma und Nirav Halvadia
Softcover - 9783639714746
79,90 €
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In banking services new technological innovation is internet banking portal. Internet banking portal means that all stages of the financial transactions can be processed electronically. This is achieved by replacing personal interaction and physical facilities with technological solutions. As a consequence, customers are able to carry out different financial transactions at one site including paying bills, booking railway and air tickets, charging mobile phone and TV, donating money, paying tax, filing tax return, viewing bank statements, purchasing stocks and other financial products (e.g. insurance) etc...Thus, internet banking portals transfer the ¿all in one¿ principle from the old economy-to the internet. This book gives information about important dimensions for measuring service quality of internet banking portal.


Verlag Scholars' Press
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 1.2 cm
Gewicht 304 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783639714746
Seiten 192