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International Handbook of Protestant Education

Hardcover - 9789400723863
427,99 €
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Softcover - 9789400794092
427,99 €

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Softcover - 9789400794092
427,99 €


Since their earliest days, institutions providing a Protestant education have always been respected and sought-after for their rigor and relative freedom from dogma—and despite today’s secularism and plurality, they remain so. This international handbook is the ultimate companion to protestant schooling worldwide. Its 39 chapters form the most comprehensive and wide-ranging treatment of the subject yet available, addressing Protestant education on all six inhabited continents and featuring the perspectives of leading authorities and public figures.The contributions cover in detail not only the facts and features of Protestant schooling in sundry nations, but also integrate a range of themes common to them all, themes so vital that they are of central concern to Christians around the world and of whatever denomination. Some of these topics are school choice, globalization, Bible pedagogy and character education, the fine arts, parental involvement, and the rise of Christianity in previously inaccessible locations such as China.The handbook’s stellar list of authors is a Who’s Who of authorities on the subject and includes a renowned American evangelical, a former historian of the US House of Representatives, and White House consultants responsible for framing legislation. The many contributors from outside the USA are leading academics conducting seminal research on numerous topics in the field. Both exhaustive and authoritative, The International Handbook of Protestant Educationwill be an invaluable asset to educators, ministers, parents, policy makers political leaders of any denomination—or none.


Verlag Springer Netherland
Ersterscheinung Januar 2012
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 1250 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9789400723863
Auflage 2012
Seiten 714