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Innovative Internet Community Systems

Innovative Internet Community Systems

Softcover - 9783540204367
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The papers in this volume were presented at the workshop “Innovative Internet Community Systems 2003” held on June 19–21, 2003 in Leipzig. IICS 2003 was the thirdworkshopintheIICSseries.Thepurposeofthese workshopsisto bring together researchers in the area of system and information management for the Next Generation Internet (NGI). Like the preceding two workshops, IICS 2001 and IICS 2002, this year’s workshop was organized by the Gesellschaft fur ¨ Informatik (GI) in Germany to support the exchange of experiences, results and technology in the area of focus. The 21 papers (2 invited, 19 other contributions) presented at the conference and in the present volume were selected from more than 30 submissions. Every submission was fully reviewed by 3 members of the program committee. We wish to thank all those who made the meeting possible: the authors for submitting papers, the members of the program committee for their excellent work, and the two invited speakers. We wish to express our sincere apprec- tion to Regine Gabler (University of Leipzig) and Barbara Hamann (Technical University, Ilmenau) for their great e?orts and perfect work concerning the - ministrative details associated with the workshop and the preparation of this volume. Finally, we wish to acknowledge the substantial help provided by our sponsors: the University of Leipzig, the Technical University, Ilmenau, and the TKK (Techniker Krankenkasse) Leipzig. August 2003 Thomas B¨ ohme Gerhard Heyer Herwig Unger VI Organization Organization IICS 2003 was organized by the Gesellschaft fur ¨ Informatik (GI) in Germany.

Third International Workshop, IICS 2003, Leipzig, Germany, June 19-21, 2003, Revised Papers


Verlag Springer Berlin
Ersterscheinung Oktober 2003
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 423 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783540204367
Auflage 2003
Seiten 268