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Inner Voyage of a Stranger

Inner Voyage of a Stranger

von Kenjiro Yoshigasaki
Hardcover - 9783921508718
9,80 €
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It demands a lot of reflection every day to understand life. Life consists of perception and action. Most people, however, only try to control their actions and do not realize the importance of perception for their lives. Every individual's actions at any given moment in time are determined by the way he or she perceives the world. This book is meant for all those who really want to understand life. Born in 1951 in Kagoshima, Japan, the author Kenjirô Yoshigasaki Sensei started to practise yoga when he was ten years old. Later, he began to practise Aikido and many other martial arts. He has also studied Zen Buddhism, new Shintôism, Catholicism and Islam. He devoted a year to the study of yoga in India in 1971 and in 1973 became an instructor of Aikidô. Teaching Ki and Aikidô in Europe since 1977, he is now in charge of more than 120 dôjô and 4,000 students in Europe, South America, and South Africa.

Pathways to a New Perception


Verlag Kristkeitz, Werner
Ersterscheinung undefined 2002
Maße 21.5 cm x 13.5 cm
Gewicht 202 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783921508718
Seiten 96