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Softcover - 9783319376325
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Hardcover - 9783319024929
106,99 €

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Hardcover - 9783319024929
106,99 €


This book provides a rough entry into the interdisciplinary field of Infranomics. It enables better decision making in an increasing ambiguous, complex, emergent, interdependent, and uncertain world where we attempt to anticipate modern society trends and patterns in order to react appropriately. However, as with any emerging discipline, much research is needed at the applications and conceptual level. The applications level may require development and testing of methods, tools, and techniques to enable analysis and decision-making in ambiguous, complex, emergent, interdependent, and uncertain conditions while the conceptual level may require taping into driving philosophies, theories, and methodologies that form the basis for Infranomics. Striking the right balance between applications and conceptual foundation (theory) requires rigorous research. This book provides a springboard for robust discussions on applications, theory, and transformation of current thinking to better deal with modern society’s problematic issues using Infranomics.

Sustainability, Engineering Design and Governance

Sustainability, Engineering Design and Governance


Verlag Springer International Publishing
Ersterscheinung August 2016
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 663 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783319376325
Auflage Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2014
Seiten 422