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In Vitro Screening of Antioxidant Potential of Hibiscus Tea

In Vitro Screening of Antioxidant Potential of Hibiscus Tea

von Amit Sehgal und Shaista Manzoor
Softcover - 9786202093354
35,90 €
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The authors take great pleasure in presenting this book to the readers. In this book untapped potential of hibiscus tea as a natural source of antioxidants is being explored. The general public is becoming more health conscious that has opened the doors for herbal tea market, supported by scientific evidences about the preventive role of these teas against many diseases. The main factors that influence the purchasing decision of the consumers are not only aroma and taste, but also the medicinal properties and cost effectiveness play an important role in the choice of beverage. Hibiscus flower tea being rich in antioxidants can act as an important part in maintaining human health. Hibiscus plant can be easily grown in the pot and can serve as an inexpensive chemopreventive agent. Through this book, the readers will be enlightened about the potential of hibiscus tea to scavenge free radicals, which may prevent us from major killer diseases such as cancer, typeII diabetes, stroke and heart related malignancies.


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.4 cm
Gewicht 96 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202093354
Seiten 52
