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Implementation Techniques of Active Networks

Implementation Techniques of Active Networks

von Omar A. Athab
Softcover - 9786202301282
79,90 €
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Active networking is a step towards enhancing the static and inflexible structures of current networks. This book begins with an introduction into the interested area and a description of the basic mechanisms behind active networking. Examination of existing active systems and associated technologies is provided. The core of the book presents the design and implementation of a novel active router architecture that enables flexible network programmability based on so-called "user components". This active router is designed to provide maximum flexibility for the development of future network functionality and services. Its service composition method enables flexible programmability through the transparent integration of user components into the router¿s data path.


Verlag Scholars' Press
Ersterscheinung September 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 1.1 cm
Gewicht 268 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202301282
Seiten 168