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If My Skin Could Talk. Life is a Story - story.one

If My Skin Could Talk. Life is a Story - story.one

von Brigitte Lunguieki Malungo
Hardcover - 9783710879579
18,00 €
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  • Hinweis: Print on Demand. Lieferbar in 7 Tagen.
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Courageously, the author bares her psychological wounds and offers a glimpse into the everyday lives of Black women in thirteen touching short stories. Amongst other subjects, she tackles a persistently denied issue even in present times: Everyday racism and microaggressions.

Readers are entreated to acknowledge racism, speak out against it, and lead by example. This empowering book's words will undoubtedly reverberate in the reader's mind for an extended period, leaving an enduring impact.

»Today, I call upon you to embrace your beautiful skin with boundless pride. No more shame, no more hiding, and no more succumbing to the allure of bleaching. Unapologetically showcase the world your Black skin, wear your battle scars and triumphs with dignity. Let us now resound with fervor, and may our voices never again be hushed to silence!«


Verlag story.one publishing
Ersterscheinung August 2023
Maße 20.9 cm x 13.2 cm x 0.9 cm
Gewicht 186 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783710879579
Seiten 68
