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Hungarian nobility in Transylvania

Hungarian nobility in Transylvania

Softcover - 9781158180714
26,36 €
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Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 110. Chapters: Báthory family, Hunyadi family, Rulers of Transylvania, Szécsényi family, Maria Theresa, Franz Joseph I of Austria, Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, Elizabeth Báthory, Stephen Báthory, Stephen I of Hungary, Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, Sigismund Báthory, Charles I of Austria, Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, Christopher Báthory, Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand I of Austria, John Hunyadi, Michael the Brave, Matthias Corvinus, Francis II Rákóczi, Elizabeth Báthory in popular culture, List of rulers of Transylvania, Stibor of Stiboricz, Gabriel Báthory, Mózes Székely, Júlia Báthory, Gabriel Bethlen, John Zápolya, Gelou, Stephen V Báthory, Gyula III, Imre Thököly, George Martinuzzi, Wass de Czege, Hunyad Castle, Stephen Bocskay, Sigismund Rákóczi, Gáspár Bekes, János Corvinus, Hieronymus Jaroslaw Laski, Huedin, John II Sigismund Zápolya, John Kemény, László Hunyadi, Briccius Báthory, George I Rákóczi, Roland Borsa, Miklós Sirokay, Michael II Apafi, Andrew Báthory, George II Rákóczi, István Dobó, Stephen III Báthory, Stephen VIII Báthory, Catherine of Brandenburg, Stephen VII Báthory, Michael I Apafi, Elisabeth Corvinus, Christopher Corvinus, Matthias Corvinus House, Cluj-Napoca, Erzsébet Szilágyi. Excerpt: Maria Theresa Walburga Amalia Christina (German: ) (13 May 1717 - 29 November 1780) was the only female ruler of the Habsburg dominions and the last of the House of Habsburg. She was the sovereign of Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Mantua, Milan, Lodomeria and Galicia, the Austrian Netherlands and Parma. By marriage, she was Duchess of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany and Holy Roman Empress. She started her 40-year reign when her father, Emperor Charles VI, died in October 1740. Charles VI paved the way for her accession with the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713, as the Habsburg lands were bound by Salic law which prevented female succession. Upon the death of her father, Saxony, Prussia, Bavaria and France repudiated the sanction they had recognised during his lifetime. Prussia proceeded to invade the affluent Habsburg province of Silesia, sparking a nine-year conflict known as the War of the Austrian Succession. Maria Theresa would later unsuccessfully try to reconquer Silesia during the Seven Years' War. She married Francis Stephen of Lorraine and had sixteen children, including Queen Marie Antoinette of France, Queen Maria Carolina of Naples, Duchess Maria Amalia of Parma and two Holy Roman Emperors, Joseph II and Leopold II. Though she was expected to cede power to Francis and Joseph, both of whom were officially her co-rulers in Austria and Bohemia, Maria Theresa was the absolute sovereign who ruled by the counsel of her advisers. She criticised and disapproved of many of Joseph's actions. Although she is considered to have been intellectually inferior to both Joseph and Leopold, Maria Theresa understood the importance of her public persona and was able to simultaneously evoke both esteem and affection from her subjects. Maria Theresa promulgated financial and educational reforms, with the assistance of Count Friedrich Wilhelm von Haugwitz and Gottfried van Swieten, promoted commerce and the development of agriculture, and reorganised Austria's ramshackle mili

Báthory family, Hunyadi family, Rulers of Transylvania, Szécsényi family, Maria Theresa, Franz Joseph I of Austria, Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, Elizabeth Báthory, Stephen Báthory, Stephen I of Hungary, Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor


Verlag Books LLC, Reference Series
Ersterscheinung November 2020
Maße 24.6 cm x 18.9 cm x 0.7 cm
Gewicht 231 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9781158180714
Seiten 110