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Humanity’s Children

von Sonja C. Grover
Softcover - 9783642447266
160,49 €
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Hardcover - 9783642325007
160,49 €

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Hardcover - 9783642325007
160,49 €


This book addresses the phenomenon of children as the particular targets of extreme cruelty and genocide during armed conflict. Selected International Criminal Court cases are analyzed to illustrate the ICC‘s failure to address the genocidal forcible transfer of children to armed State and/or non-State groups or forces perpetrating mass atrocities and/or genocide. An original legal interpretation of children as a protected group in the context of the genocide provision of the Rome Statute is provided. The work also examines certain examples of the various modes in which armed State and/or non-State groups or forces perpetrating mass atrocities and/or genocide appropriate children and accomplish the genocidal forcible transfer of children to the perpetrator group. It is argued that the failure to prosecute the genocidal forcible transfer of children through the ICC mechanisms (where the Court has jurisdiction and the State has failed to meet its obligations in this regard) undermines the perceived gravity of this heinous international crime within the international community. Furthermore, this ICC failure to prosecute conflicts with the interests of justice and ultimately results in an erosion of the respect for the personhood and human dignity of children.

ICC Jurisprudence and the Failure to Address the Genocidal Forcible Transfer of Children

ICC Jurisprudence and the Failure to Address the Genocidal Forcible Transfer of Children


Verlag Springer Berlin
Ersterscheinung Januar 2015
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 511 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783642447266
Auflage 2013
Seiten 324