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How to write a medical article: Advice from an editor

How to write a medical article: Advice from an editor

von Ahmed Shokeir
Softcover - 9786202080866
69,90 €
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The objective of the present book is to help doctors in writing their research in a simple and practical manner based on the long personal experience of the author in this regard. Clinicians find difficulties in understanding statistics. This book contains clinician-to- clinician advice on the fundamentals of statistics which are integral part of any scientific work. In addition, the book contains simple and practical description of the study design in medical research together with an overview on evidence-based medicine. Moreover, the book contains precious advice form an editor on how to write a medical original article together with a collection of practical examples of the most common reasons of rejection of manuscripts of medical original articles. At the end of most chapters, there are some exercises and answers as hands-on training on scientific writing.


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 1.4 cm
Gewicht 346 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202080866
Seiten 220
