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How students select higher secondary schools? A case study in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

How students select higher secondary schools? A case study in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

von Ram Prasad Sharma
Softcover - 9783656183747
34,99 €
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Master's Thesis from the year 2008 in the subject Pedagogy - Pedagogic Sociology, Trichandra College-Tribhuwan University, language: English, abstract: Education, the term itself means for 'to train', 'to lead out' and to 'bring up'. It is said that education is a life- long process, but the basic education that one gets during the formative year definitely contributes to the shaping of one's future and outlook. This is where; the school and high school education assumes importance. Today's school is not merely a school it is much more. Its teachers and staff together with the guardians and students give it a wholesome environment. As student not only finds a guru here but guides and friends for life. It is a place to inculcate the fundamentals of honored values. The education of the weak brains between the ages of 17 - 18 is counted within the school education in the international arena (www.hseb.edu.np).

Education is only the means of sustainable development of a country. It is a tool to train a human resource development and social transformation. Being a developing country Nepal has much bigger responsibility to educate its people so that human resources that are more efficient could be produced. Even though the history of education in Nepal is relatively short, there has been a considerable growth in number of educational institutes after the restoration of democracy in 1950 and very massively after 1990 AD.

Normally academic educational system has been officially divided into primary, lower secondary, secondary, higher secondary and higher education in Nepal. After the 1990's revolution private sector investment flourished in this sector as well like in other sectors since government adopted the liberal market economy policy considering as panacea in Nepal. Since 1992, Nepal started the higher secondary school education system comprising of grades eleventh and twelfth. It became progressively popular than the PCL levels of TU. In the later years it was planned to phase out PCL levels of TU but it could not materialized yet. Hence, private 0+2 and 10 +2 mushroomed countless in number in the urban areas providing massive options for the students of SLC graduates, but created illusion of who is better than other is?


Verlag GRIN Publishing
Ersterscheinung Mai 2012
Maße 21 cm x 14.8 cm x 0.5 cm
Gewicht 96 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783656183747
Auflage 3. Auflage
Seiten 56
