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High Speed A/D Converters: Understanding Data Converters Through SPICE is intended as a learning tool by providing building blocks that can be stacked on top of each other to build higher order systems. The book provides a guide to understanding the various topologies used in A/D converters by suggesting simple methods for the blocks used in an A/D converter. The converters discussed throughout the book constitute a class of devices called undersampled or Nyquist converters.
The tools used in deriving the results presented are:
- TopSpice® by Penzar - a mixed mode SPICE simulator - version 5.90. The files included in Appendix A were written for this tool. However, most circuit files need only minor adjustments to be used on other SPICE simulators such as PSpice, Hspice, IS_Spice and Micro-Cap IV;
- Mathcad 2000 - Professional by Mathsoft. This tool is very useful in performing FFT analysis as well as drawing some of the graphs. Again, the mathcad files are included to help the user analyze the data.
Understanding Data Converters Through SPICE
Understanding Data Converters Through SPICE
Verlag | Springer US |
Ersterscheinung | März 2013 |
Maße | 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm |
Gewicht | 391 Gramm |
Format | Softcover |
ISBN-13 | 9781475774641 |
Auflage | 2001 |
Seiten | 230 |