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Growth Performance of African Catfish

Growth Performance of African Catfish

von Gift David und Ofonime Afia
Softcover - 9786202197861
35,90 €
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The aim of good pond management is to increase fish production and one way through which production can be maximized is liming. Liming increases the pH of bottom mud and thereby increasing the availability of phosphorus added in fertilizer. Liming increases benthic production in fertilized ponds, apparently through increased nutrient availability and also increases microbial activity in mud through a favorable increase in pH. The unavailability of liming materials to fish farmers have posed a serious setback to fish farming as the lack of it in a pond may adversely affect the total productivity. In an attempt to overcome the problem of scarcity and high cost of limestone or hydrated lime, this book was put forward to examine the possibility of utilizing calcium carbide lime in raising catfish in earthen ponds thereby ameliorating production cost problems in culturing catfish. Aside from the control ponds, fish in ponds treated with calcium carbide lime had better growth parameters than those of the hydrated lime ponds. Calcium carbide lime can be recommended for use by fish farmers. This book will undoubtedly be of great asset to catfish farmers and aquaculturists in general.

In Lime Treated Ponds


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.5 cm
Gewicht 125 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202197861
Seiten 72
