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Grace Gifts

Grace Gifts

von Dan Knight
Hardcover - 9781449728533
34,60 €
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Too many of us are burdened with the question, "What am I supposed to be doing?" We've tried doing what Jesus did (WWJD), but we've found walking on water and feeding the multitudes a little beyond our capabilities. So we've settled for watching other Christians and imitating them. Or worse, we have taken the first job anyone offered us and stayed at it in frustration for years and years. There's a better answer. You are supposed to be doing what God has equipped you to do. Knowing the gifts you have received lets you know what God expects you to do.

Discovering the Unique Joy God Has for You


Verlag Westbow Press
Ersterscheinung Oktober 2011
Maße 22.2 cm x 14.5 cm x 1.9 cm
Gewicht 510 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9781449728533
Seiten 264
