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From regional to local climate scenario

From regional to local climate scenario

von Lorenzo Sangelantoni
Softcover - 9786202451437
69,90 €
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«Humanity is carrying out a wide-scale geophysical experiment never happened in the past and that cannot be reproduced in the future». This famous sentence formulated by Roger Revelle (1909-1991), published on «Tellus» journal, condensed in the half of 20th century, the essence of global warming issue. According to the current pillars of climate change research, doctoral work is articulated in three consequential phases aiming at providing solid basis for climate change impacts research. First part provides a comprehensive assessment of the projected climate change over a study area covering the Italian peninsula. Second research phase is dedicated to a quality-evaluation and error reduction of climate simulations, through a statistical bias correction method. Third part focuses on the definition of local-scale climate scenarios over representative stations of Marche region.

Toward an integrated strategy for climate impacts reduction


Verlag Edizioni Accademiche Italiane
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 1.5 cm
Gewicht 387 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202451437
Seiten 248
