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Fresh Fields and Pastures New

Fresh Fields and Pastures New

Softcover - 9789088903489
40,00 €
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This volume honors the career and contributions of Andrew M.T. Moore. Moore's groundbreaking work at Abu Hureyra, Syria and excavations at Neolithic sites in Croatia have made him a pioneer in integrated interdisciplinary research in archaeology, expressing a deeply held conviction that developments in human culture can only be understood when embedded in an ecological approach. In this book, colleagues and former students of Moore, working in the Near East and Croatia, present current research, illustrating the continuing impact of Moore's work on the early farming and herding peoples of the eastern Mediterranean.


Preface: People, Landscape, and Change in Prehistory

Michael Chazan and Katina Lillios

Andrew M.T. Moore: A Life in Service of Archaeology and the Academy

Katina Lillios

Abu Hureyra 1 in Northwest Syria: ¿Periphery¿ No More

Brian Boyd

Late Upper Paleolithic and Initial Epipaleolithic in the Marshlands: A View from Tor Sageer, Wadi al-Hasa, Jordan

Deborah Olszewski

A Road Well Travelled? Exploring Terminal Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherer Activities, Networks, and Mobility in Eastern Jordan

Lisa Maher

Risk Management and Modern Rural Behaviour: Reconstructing Landscapes and Landuse in Neolithic Cyprus

Sarah Tyrell Stewart

The Neolithic in Dalmatia and Andrew M.T. Moore's Contribution to its Investigation

Marko Mendüic

Villages, Landscapes, and Early Farming in Northern Dalmatia

Sarah McClure and Emil Podrug

Navigating the Neolithic Adriatic

Timothy Kaiser and Stäo Forenbaher

Taking a Lévy Walk: Early Hominin Mobility in the Lower Paleolithic of the Southern Levant

Liora Horwitz and Michael Chazan

The Ordinary Neolithic People of Abu Hureyra

Theya Molleson


Verlag Sidestone Press
Ersterscheinung Januar 2016
Maße 25.7 cm x 18.2 cm x 1.3 cm
Gewicht 460 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9789088903489
Seiten 206
