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Free Convective Heat and Mass Transfer Analysis over Vertical Surface

Free Convective Heat and Mass Transfer Analysis over Vertical Surface

von Chakravarthula S. K. Raju, G. Viswanatha Reddy und K. R. Sekhar
Softcover - 9783330066755
35,90 €
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This book is useful for UG, PG and researchers in the area of fluid mechanics. This book is divided into three chapters. First chapter deals with 1)Brief introduction of fluid mechanics and its applications. Second Chapter deals with 2)Radiation Absorption and Diffusion Thermo on MHD free Convection flow past a vertical Porous Plate in Slip-flow regime.Slip conditions are essential in controlling the momentum boundary layer. Third Chapter deals with the effects of heat generation/absorption on free convection heat and mass transfer flow along a moving vertical surface with first order chemical reaction. The heat generation or absorption and chemical reactions are very important to motivating the heat and mass transport phenomena.

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Convection flow over a vertical surface


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung April 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.6 cm
Gewicht 143 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783330066755
Seiten 84
