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Formal Properties of Measurement Constructions

Formal Properties of Measurement Constructions

von Kimiko Nakanishi
Hardcover - 9783110185980
194,95 €
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This book investigates the semantics and syntax-semantics interface of measurement constructions, such as (non-)split quantifiers and comparatives. The cross-linguistic investigation reveals that seemingly diverse constructions can be categorized into two classes depending on whether they measure nominal or verbal predicates, and shows that the classification accounts for why certain constructions have certain characteristics concerning distributivity and single-event predicates. Throughout the book, particular emphasis is placed on issues of compositionality.


Verlag de Gruyter Mouton
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2007
Maße 23 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 549 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783110185980
Seiten 284