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For-profit universities and colleges

For-profit universities and colleges

Softcover - 9781157656937
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Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 41. Chapters: AMA Computer University, For-profit school, Concordia College and University, University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, Universidad del Valle de México, Kendall College, European University ¿ Cyprus, Universidad de las Américas, Les Roches Marbella International School of Hotel Management, Le Cordon Bleu, Ross University, List of for-profit universities and colleges, St. Matthew's University, Windsor University School of Medicine, University of Advancing Technology, Our Lady of Fatima University, All Saints University of Medicine, BPP University College of Professional Studies, University of Informatics Sciences, American University of London, University of NorthWest, Cyprus Institute of Marketing, American University in London, Instituto Superior de Intérpretes y Traductores, European University of Madrid, Asia Pacific Management Institute, Cyprus College, AMA International University, Anhembi Morumbi University, Frederick Institute of Technology, University of the Latin American Educational Center, Delmon University for Science & Technology. Excerpt: AMA Computer University (AMACU) was the first ICT University in Asia. The University serves as the flagship brand of the AMA Education System. The AMA Education System collects hundreds of millions of pesos in tuition fees from their annual population of 150,000 students. Located in Project 8, Quezon City, Philippines, this for-profit educational institution specializes in electronic, information, and communication technologies. It follows a trimestral calendar where a typical four year collegiate education program under a semestral calendar is completed in only 3 years and 3 months. The AMA Education System has an annual student population of 150,000 located in more than 200 campuses in the Philippines and other parts of the world. AMA Computer University was founded by Dr. Amable R. Aguiluz V, who named it after the initials of his father's name, Amable M. Aguiluz, Sr. A visionary, Dr. Aguiluz saw the need and demand for fully-trained computer professionals in the country. Sadly, during the said time, no institution in the country was willing to offer computer education to professionals. Having seen the importance of computers in the corporate world and emerging industries, Dr. Aguiluz saw that existing computer schools then lacked computers and planned to offer a curriculum based on a one computer per student policy. Aguiluz founded the AMA Institute of Computer Studies with the first computer school located along Shaw Boulevard on October 20, 1980. At that time, AMA Institute of Computer Studies offered only short-term courses in Electronic Data Processing Fundamentals, Basic Programming, and Technology Career. Two student(s) enrolled at the AMA Institute of Computer Studies during the first semester. University Entrance gate in Quezon CityAMA Computer College came into existence in June 1981. It extended its services through a four-year Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. With only a handful of students in its first year of operation, the AMACC stu

AMA Computer University, For-profit school, Concordia College and University, University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, Universidad del Valle de México, Kendall College


Verlag Books LLC, Reference Series
Ersterscheinung November 2011
Maße 24.6 cm x 18.9 cm x 0.3 cm
Gewicht 102 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9781157656937
Seiten 41
