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Food Printing: 3D Printing in Food Industry

Hardcover - 9789811681202
171,19 €
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Softcover - 9789811681233
171,19 €

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Softcover - 9789811681233
171,19 €


This book provides a comprehensive overview of the technical notes, research designs, literature, and 3DP (three-dimensional printing) technology applications for effective food printing. It provides a multidisciplinary coverage of 3D food printing in different food sectors.

Recent advancements in manufacturing processes have led food industries to create innovations to stay competitive in the market. 3D food printing incorporates 3DP digital gastronomy strategies to manufacture food products with consistency in shape, color, flavor, texture, and even nutrition. Thus, by controlling the number of materials and the quality of nutrients, food items can be manufactured and handled to fulfill their particular requirements. For food printing, both proprietary structures and self-developed frameworks are used from open sources.

Similar frameworks are re-engineered to reformulate administration, content creation, and user interface. For example, three printing medium types,natural printable products, non-printable synthetic food products, and alternative ingredients as well as two recipe forms (i.e., element-based recipes and regular recipes) are used for customized food production. The authors address that open 3D technology for food printing and food processing technology are theoretically correlated with food printing.

The book will help industrial designers, nutrition professionals, dieticians, manufacturing enterprises, and young researchers in food technology, material science, and mechanical engineering understand the latest advances in 3DP technology in food industries.


Verlag Springer Singapore
Ersterscheinung März 2022
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 494 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9789811681202
Auflage 1st edition 2022
Seiten 181