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Fibrinogen, Thrombosis, Coagulation, and Fibrinolysis

Fibrinogen, Thrombosis, Coagulation, and Fibrinolysis

Softcover - 9781461366973
53,49 €
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The International Scientific Symposium on Fibrinogen, Thrombosis, Coagulation, and Fibrinolysis was held in Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, on August 30 - September 1, 1989. This Symposium has provided a forum for the free exchange of information in this important and rapidly advancing research field. This proceedings volume provides a published record of 46 papers presented at the Symposium. The sponsors have exerted no influence on the scientific opinions or positions of the participants in the Symposium. It is hoped that this Symposium will stimulate further worldwide cooperation and collaboration in these vital fields for the benefit of all human kind. This volume is composed of four parts. The first part consists of 8 papers on Fibrinogen and Fibrin: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Physiology. The second part contains 16 papers on Coagulation and Fibrinolysis: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Physiology. The third part has 10 papers on Cardiovascular Cell Biology: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Physiology. The fourth part comprises 12 papers on Clinical Studies of the Cardiovascular System: Thrombotic and Bleeding Disorders and Thrombolytic Therapy. The Author Index with addresses of all contributors and the Subject Index of all 46 papers are arranged at the end of this volume.


Verlag Springer US
Ersterscheinung November 2012
Maße 24.4 cm x 17 cm
Gewicht 794 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9781461366973
Auflage 1990
Seiten 450