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Fiber Optics Standard Dictionary

Fiber Optics Standard Dictionary

von Martin Weik
Mehrteiliges Produkt - 9781461377603
213,99 €
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  • Lieferzeit nach Versand: ca. 1-2 Tage
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Fiber Optics Vocabulary Development In 1979, the National Communications System published Technical InfonnationBulle tin TB 79-1, Vocabulary for Fiber Optics and Lightwave Communications, written by this author. Based on a draft prepared by this author, the National Communications System published Federal Standard FED-STD-1037, Glossary of Telecommunications Terms, in 1980 with no fiber optics tenns. In 1981, the first edition of this dictionary was published under the title Fiber Optics and Lightwave Communications Standard Dictionary. In 1982, the then National Bureau of Standards, now the National Institute of Standards and Technology, published NBS Handbook 140, Optical Waveguide Communications Glossary, which was also published by the General Services Admin istration as PB82-166257 under the same title. Also in 1982, Dynamic Systems, Inc. , Fiberoptic Sensor Technology Handbook, co-authored and edited by published the this author, with an extensive Fiberoptic Sensors Glossary. In 1989, the handbook was republished by Optical Technologies, Inc. It contained the same glossary. In 1984, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers published IEEE Standard 812-1984, Definitions of Terms Relating to Fiber Optics. In 1986, with the assistance of this author, the National Communications System published FED-STD-1037A, Glossary of Telecommunications Terms, with a few fiber optics tenns. In 1988, the Electronics Industries Association issued EIA-440A, Fiber Optic Terminology, based primarily on PB82-166257. The International Electrotechnical Commission then pub lished IEC 731, Optical Communications, Terms and Definitions. In 1989, the second edition of this dictionary was published.


Verlag Springer US
Ersterscheinung November 2012
Maße 25.4 cm x 17.8 cm
Gewicht 2362 Gramm
Format Mehrteiliges Produkt
ISBN-13 9781461377603
Auflage 3rd ed. 1997. Softcover reprint of the original 3rd ed. 1997
Seiten 1219