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Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry

Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry

von Joya Goffney
Softcover - 9781471410116
10,50 €
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Quinn keeps lists of everything - from the days she's ugly cried, to "Things That I Would Never Admit Out Loud," to all the boys she'd like to kiss. Her lists keep her sane. By writing her fears (as well as embarrassing and cringeworthy truths) on paper, she never has to face them in real life. That is, until her journal goes missing . . .
An anonymous account posts one of her lists on Instagram for the whole school to see and blackmails her into facing seven of her greatest fears, or else her entire journal will go public. Quinn doesn't know who to trust. Desperate, she teams up with Carter Bennett - the last known person to have her journal and who Quinn loathes - in a race against time to track down the blackmailer.
Together, they journey through everything Quinn's been too afraid to face, and along the way, Quinn finds the courage to be honest, to live in the moment, and to fall in love.
A razor-sharp, passionate and addictive YA romcom that readers will love.


Verlag Hot Key Books
Ersterscheinung Mai 2021
Maße 19.8 cm x 13.2 cm x 2.5 cm
Gewicht 270 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9781471410116
Seiten 351