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Evaluation of Shelf-Life Extension Program

Evaluation of Shelf-Life Extension Program

von Heba Al Basha, Shereen Ayoub und Yousef Aljeesh
Softcover - 9786203026641
71,90 €
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This study is the first one proposed to clarify the various dimensions of the Shelf Life Extension Program (SLEP), with a comprehensive evaluation of the SLEP consistent with the requirements of the WHO and successively assess the work of the drug control department (DCD) and the Central Drug Store(CDS). Moreover, the Healthcare Providers (HCPs) perceptions about the SLEP in governmental hospitals. This study is believed to own a local interest also as a global one from the scientific side in reference to the effectiveness of SLEP and HCPs perceptions. The study also offering suggestions for managing the crisis of drug shortage through SLEP application at different levels; HCPs and managers within the Gaza Strip (GS) Ministry of Health (MOH) hospitals. The study may contribute to manage the shortage crisis by taking right practical steps, thus improving the healthcare services and health status of the community, also this is able to contribute to enabling policymakers to take decisions towards solving the obstacle of drug shortage, and advocating stakeholders to relief the continued patients suffering in their seeking for healthcare.

as a Contributor to Central Drug Store Stockpiles Maintenance: Ministry of Health Experience in Gaza Strip During Crisis


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung November 2020
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 1.1 cm
Gewicht 268 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786203026641
Seiten 168
