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Essentials of Sleep Medicine

Essentials of Sleep Medicine

Softcover - 9781627038805
165,84 €
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Sleep disorders represent a major portion of the chief complaints seen by pulmonologists and other physicians.  Sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome for example, are common disorders with significant adverse health consequences. Sleep apnea is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality, impaired quality of life and increased motor vehicle accidents. In addition, sleep apnea often co-exists with other chronic conditions including obesity, the metabolic syndrome, and tobacco use disorder.  Patients with sleep-related conditions often present with non-specific complaints that require a broad and detailed knowledge of the wide range of sleep disorders.  In Essentials of Sleep Medicine: An Approach for Clinical Pulmonology, a concise, evidence-based review of sleep medicine for the pulmonologist is presented. Providing a focused, scientific basis for the effects of sleep on human physiology, especially cardiac and respiratory physiology, chapters also outline a differential diagnosis for common sleep complaints and an evidence-based approach to diagnosis and management. This includes a review of the current standards of practice and of emerging technology and unresolved issues awaiting further research. Each chapter includes a summary of current research and outlines future research directions and issues. In all, Essentials of Sleep Medicine: An Approach for Clinical Pulmonology provides a clear diagnostic and management program for all the different sleep disorders, with a major focus on respiratory disorders of sleep, and includes key points and summaries. Developed by an international group of renowned authors, Essentials of Sleep Medicine: An Approach for Clinical Pulmonology is an invaluable resource for pulmonologists, respiratory care practitioners, polysomnographictechnologists, graduate students, clinical researchers, and other health professionals seeking an in-depth review of sleep medicine.

An Approach for Clinical Pulmonology


Verlag Humana Press
Ersterscheinung Januar 2014
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 645 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9781627038805
Auflage 2012
Seiten 416