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Environmental Management & Cruise Ships

Environmental Management & Cruise Ships

von Jens Kaulbars
Softcover - 9783638954839
15,95 €
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Essay from the year 2008 in the subject Tourism - Hotel Management, University of Plymouth (University of Plymouth), course: Managing Facilities, language: English, abstract: One of the currently most important topics worldwide is the environment: mankind gradually destroying its natural surroundings at an alarming pace; and what can be done to prevent our environment from meeting its premature fate, which is closely tied to the one mankind will face. Thus protecting the environment means preserving the human race.

As an issue affecting every part of life, it is not surprising that the tourism industry has to deal with effective environmental management as well, considering the best possible practice to balance environmental healthy actions with profit raising. Moreover, as leisure industry tourism is under immense pressure, because it is not considered essential, remaining classified as a luxury good (Hayes, 2004), although most people won¿t necessarily agree with this anymore. Nevertheless it therefore provides an easy target for the attacks of environmental activists.

This alone, generating a bad reputation, and not even considering ethical aspects, makes it clear that environmental management in tourism is very important. In the end, breeding cattle or growing rice maybe more devastating for the environment, but plays a rather crucial part in maintaining life. Whereas it seems obvious that for example flying around the globe to a variety of destinations cannot possibly be as essential in retaining life on earth.

Another issue that needs to be taken into consideration is the marvellous marketing effect positive environmental management creates. Most people love doing something good and protective for ¿their¿ environment while having a great time being on vacation.

The solution, so it seems, are environment-caring types of holidays. And if the modern forms of spending vacation are harming the environment, why not coming back to more traditional types of holiday? Why not go by ship instead of taking a polluting flight? And why not take the next step, go on a cruise?

After all cruises bear a shiny white image and are widely considered not to be that harmful to the environment as other vacation activities the press is always writing about. But does this mean the environmental impacts of cruise ships are not as negative? Are there any at all?

...how can such beauty harm our environment?


Verlag GRIN Verlag
Ersterscheinung Juni 2008
Maße 21 cm x 14.8 cm x 0.2 cm
Gewicht 45 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783638954839
Auflage 2. Auflage
Seiten 20
