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Energy Contracting Models and its Relevancy in Nepal

Energy Contracting Models and its Relevancy in Nepal

von Pramod Raj Pokharel
Softcover - 9783659921124
55,90 €
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Transition to a less energy intensive world is today¿s necessity as over dependency on fossil fuels is harming our planet. Conventional supply¿side and demand side solutions only partially answer the problem, whereas modal shift to a different but sustainable energy supply system is desired long term goal. Though tackling the problems in the short run, energy efficiency and energy conservation can be of help and energy contracting models and Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) can play better role on that regard. The matured energy markets like USA, Germany and few other countries have provided wonderful progress in ESCO practices, but same is not true in all market settings. ESCO has bitter experiences from both matured and immature energy markets and recent country analysis points out that energy service market throughout the world is far from utilizing its full potential. Nepal does not have ESCO practices yet, but this work accesses the opportunity and success, barriers and impediments of Nepalese energy service market on the light of KKREUO experience and explores the relevancy of newly emerging energy contracting business models (or ESCO) in present context of Nepal

Case Study ¿ KKREUO as a Pilot Energy Service Provider in Nepal


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Juli 2016
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.8 cm
Gewicht 215 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783659921124
Seiten 132