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Emotion Detection From Speech

Emotion Detection From Speech

von Mazin Riyadh Al-Hameed
Softcover - 9786139431168
19,90 €
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Abstract : Speech recognition applications are becoming useful more and more nowadays. Various aware applications of interactive speech are available in the market. But usually they are executed and meant for the traditional computers general-purpose. With needs growth for embedded computing and the demand for platforms emerging embedded, the speech recognition systems is required (SRS) to be available too on them. PDAs and other handheld devices are becoming powerful and affordable more and more as well. Running multimedia is become possible on these devices. As efficient alternatives for such devices Speech recognition systems emerge where typing attributed to their small screen limitations becomes difficult. The obvious voice recognition technology advantage is for people who have various circumstances disabilities, who have difficulty in several cases expressing themselves.

Speech recognition


Verlag Noor Publishing
Ersterscheinung April 2019
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.6 cm
Gewicht 143 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786139431168
Seiten 84
