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Emerging Technologies in Business. Thin Client Technology

Emerging Technologies in Business. Thin Client Technology

von Tina Mußtopf
Softcover - 9783656591863
17,95 €
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Essay from the year 2009 in the subject Business economics - Miscellaneous, grade: 1,3, , language: English, abstract: Tradeoffs are inevitably entailed when effectively managing information technology within an enterprise. Over many years, thick client PC¿s were the first choice in order to deploy a wide range of services and applications. So-called thick client (also known as ¿fat¿ client) devices are computationally capable and flexible. However, those thick clients became a target point of innumerable worms, viruses, and other malware attacks which results in information leaks and organizational discipline as well as considerable effort to maintain and centrally control. Therefore, many companies take the advantages of the thin client technology into consideration in order to address the challenges organizations face with thick clients.

Advantages & Pitfalls


Verlag GRIN Verlag
Ersterscheinung Februar 2014
Maße 21 cm x 14.8 cm x 0.2 cm
Gewicht 34 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783656591863
Auflage 1. Auflage
Seiten 12