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Elementary Lectures in Statistical Mechanics

von George D. J. Phillies
Hardcover - 9780387989181
53,49 €
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Softcover - 9781461270683
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Softcover - 9781461270683
53,49 €


This volume is based on courses on Statistical Mechanics which I have taught for many years at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. My objective is to treat classical statistical mechanics and its modem applications, especially interacting particles, correlation functions, and time-dependent phenomena. My development is based primarily on Gibbs's ensemble formulation. Elementary Lectures in Statistical Mechanics is meant as a (relatively sophis ticated) undergraduate or (relatively straightforward) graduate text for physics students. It should also be suitable as a graduate text for physical chemistry stu dents. Physicists may find my treatment of algebraic manipulation to be more explicit than some other volumes. In my experience some of our colleagues are perhaps a bit over-enthusiastic about the ability or tendency of our students to complete gaps in the derivations. I emphasize a cyclic development of major themes. I could have begun with a fully detailed formal treatment of ensemble mechanics, as found in Gibbs's volume, and then given material realizations. I instead interleave formal discussions with simple concrete models. The models illustrate the formal definitions. The approach here gives students a chance to identify fundamental principles and methods before getting buried in ancillary details.


Verlag Springer US
Ersterscheinung Dezember 1999
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 840 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9780387989181
Auflage 2000
Seiten 431