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Effectiveness of E-Recruitment in 'IT' Industry

Effectiveness of E-Recruitment in 'IT' Industry

von Srinivasa Rao Dasaraju
Softcover - 9783847376774
35,90 €
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E-Recruitment is the process of hiring the potential candidates for the vacant job positions using electronic resources particularly the internet. E ¿Recruitment helps in the reduction of the administrative and financial burden of recruitment and gain access to a wide pool of talent. Much of the e-recruitment, centers around major job sites which categories open position in industry and business, advertise open positions on these sites and provide instructions for applicants to follow. The effectiveness of e-recruitment is evident as it enables organizations to access large pool of talent, save time to hire , reduces recruitment costs, gaining competitive advantage and improves the efficiency of recruitment process . E- recruitment can play a major role in finding the best qualified candidates for job openings and choosing the right candidate at the right place and at the right time which will eventually help organizations achieving their goals in any industry. Today IT industry in India is facing the problem of high employee attrition rates. In this scenario E ¿Recruitment is one of the central pillars of their recruitment strategy.


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.5 cm
Gewicht 119 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783847376774
Seiten 68