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Document Computing

von James Thom, Justin Zobel, Michael Fuller, Ron Sacks-Davis, Ross Wilkinson und Timothy Arnold-Moore
Hardcover - 9780792383574
106,99 €
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Softcover - 9781461372509
106,99 €

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Softcover - 9781461372509
106,99 €


Document Computing: Technologies for Managing Electronic Document Collections discusses the important aspects of document computing and recommends technologies and techniques for document management, with an emphasis on the processes that are appropriate when computers are used to create, access, and publish documents. This book includes descriptions of the nature of documents, their components and structure, and how they can be represented; examines how documents are used and controlled; explores the issues and factors affecting design and implementation of a document management strategy; and gives a detailed case study. The analysis and recommendations are grounded in the findings of the latest research.
Document Computing: Technologies for Managing Electronic Document Collections brings together concepts, research, and practice from diverse areas including document computing, information retrieval, librarianship, records management, and business process re-engineering. It will be of value to anyone working in these areas, whether as a researcher, a developer, or a user.
Document Computing: Technologies for Managing Electronic Document Collections can be used for graduate classes in document computing and related fields, by developers and integrators of document management systems and document management applications, and by anyone wishing to understand the processes of document management.

Technologies for Managing Electronic Document Collections

Technologies for Managing Electronic Document Collections


Verlag Springer US
Ersterscheinung November 1998
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 494 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9780792383574
Auflage 1998
Seiten 205