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Disequilibrium, Growth and Labor Market Dynamics

von Carl Chiarella, Gangolf Groh, Peter Flaschel und Willi Semmler
Hardcover - 9783540649090
106,99 €
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Softcover - 9783642084430
106,99 €

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Softcover - 9783642084430
106,99 €


In this book on disequilibrium, growth and labor market dynamics we take predominantly a macroeconomic perspective. We present a working model that can easily be varied in different directions in order to subsume innovations in the literature on macroeconomics, old and new, and to contribute to important currently discussed macroeconomic issues. Our working model is set up in a way that there is a close relationship between our presented dynamic models and modern macro econometric models with disequilibrium both in the labor and the goods markets. One of our objectives is, therefore, to narrow the gap between theoretical and applied structural macrodynamic model building. We hope that the book will be a useful reference for all researchers, academic teachers and practitioners of macroeconomic and macro econometric model building who are interested in economic dynamics, independently of whether they use equilibrium or disequilibrium methods in their own research. We base this hope on the fact that our approach contains a number of unique features. The emphasis on the identification and analysis of the basic feedback mechanisms at work in modern macro economies. A detailed study of the partial as well as integrated dynamic interaction between these feedback mechanisms that consti tute the interdependence of markets and sectors of the modern macro economy. The rela tionship between the macroeconomic framework of our working model and the Walrasian, Non-Walrasian and New-Keynesian reformulations of macroeconomics.

Macro Perspectives

Macro Perspectives


Verlag Springer Berlin
Ersterscheinung März 2000
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 904 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783540649090
Auflage 2000
Seiten 480