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Digital Business Management Report on southwest.com

Digital Business Management Report on southwest.com

von Junaid Javaid
Softcover - 9783656748175
9,99 €
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Essay from the year 2012 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: C, University of Bedfordshire, course: MSc Finance & Business Management, language: English, abstract: This report deals with field of Digital Business Management and the chosen company for this purpose is the leader of US Low Cost Carrier (LCC) called Southwest Airline, And for completion of this report southwest.com is critically analysed. This report is composed of four section. In very first section, southwest.com is analysed in term of information systems implemented by the company. In the second section, Southwest Airline¿s online business model is carefully observed and analysed. Then in the third phase, Southwest Airlines e-CRM is being evaluated in identifying its customer acquisition and customer retention policy. And in forth and the last section few recommendations are made to strengthen its digital business strategy.


Verlag GRIN Verlag
Ersterscheinung Oktober 2014
Maße 21 cm x 14.8 cm x 0.2 cm
Gewicht 40 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783656748175
Auflage 1. Auflage
Seiten 16