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Determinants of Investment Behavior of Investors towards Mutual Funds

Determinants of Investment Behavior of Investors towards Mutual Funds

von Sayyed Khawar Abbas
Softcover - 9783330333611
49,90 €
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This study examines the effect of risk perception, return perception, socio-economic conditions, level of venality, innovation in investment schemes and awareness about mutual funds on investor behavior. Responses are taken from both mutual funds investors & non investors. Respondents¿ occupation is used as uniformity tool and the binary logistic model is applied for data analysis. Population of study are individual investors from all over the Pakistan. The study results are based upon 460 questionnaires survey in Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi using snowball sampling technique. Results reveal that investor¿s behavior can be positively explained with investment preference criteria, innovation in investment schemes and awareness. It will help to enhance the investor base in mutual funds. It is also found that return perception, level of venality and institutional high risk factors have the adverse effect on investor¿s behavior. This study is the first attempt to configure and understand the systematic effects of various determinants towards actual investor¿s behavior of Mutual funds in Pakistan.

This study explores the factors affecting volume of Investment in Mutual Funds, in Pakistan


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung November 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.7 cm
Gewicht 191 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783330333611
Seiten 116