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Designing and modelling of grid connected photo voltaic system

Designing and modelling of grid connected photo voltaic system

von Yishak Kifle
Softcover - 9786200296061
39,90 €
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World energy consumption and resulting polluting gas emission are increasing and this increase puts in danger of the ecological stability of our Earth. Growing scarcity and rising price of fossil fuels may lead to economical and political instability in many countries in the near future. These problems can be solved by contributing significantly the use of renewable energy sources. The renewable energy sources are sufficient enough to meet the world energy requirement. It is foreseen that the result of this project will serve as base for solar system planners and designer and give an idea about the photo-voltaic technology that could be potential applicability and feasibility. Hence, the findings and recommendations will invite governmental and non- governmental organizations and investors to employ their energy and capital in the area. If every individual awareness of utilizing the renewable resource is changed and governmental legal limits is on the area of grid connection is open and feed in tariff available then the project benefits especially tropical countries with huge resource available.


Verlag LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Ersterscheinung August 2019
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.5 cm
Gewicht 125 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786200296061
Seiten 72