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Data Mining and Reverse Engineering

Data Mining and Reverse Engineering

Softcover - 9781475749106
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Searching for Semantics: Data Mining, Reverse Engineering Stefano Spaccapietra Fred M aryanski Swiss Federal Institute of Technology University of Connecticut Lausanne, Switzerland Storrs, CT, USA REVIEW AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS In the last few years, database semantics research has turned sharply from a highly theoretical domain to one with more focus on practical aspects. The DS- 7 Working Conference held in October 1997 in Leysin, Switzerland, demon strated the more pragmatic orientation of the current generation of leading researchers. The papers presented at the meeting emphasized the two major areas: the discovery of semantics and semantic data modeling. The work in the latter category indicates that although object-oriented database management systems have emerged as commercially viable prod ucts, many fundamental modeling issues require further investigation. Today's object-oriented systems provide the capability to describe complex objects and include techniques for mapping from a relational database to objects. However, we must further explore the expression of information regarding the dimensions of time and space. Semantic models possess the richness to describe systems containing spatial and temporal data. The challenge of in corporating these features in a manner that promotes efficient manipulation by the subject specialist still requires extensive development.

Searching for semantics. IFIP TC2 WG2.6 IFIP Seventh Conference on Database Semantics (DS-7) 7–10 October 1997, Leysin, Switzerland


Verlag Springer US
Ersterscheinung Januar 2013
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 789 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9781475749106
Auflage Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1998
Seiten 502