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Data Analysis: Converting Unstructured Data into Structured Data

Data Analysis: Converting Unstructured Data into Structured Data

von Neeta Niraula
Softcover - 9786202304245
45,90 €
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Data extraction and analysis have recently received significant attention due to the evolution of social media and large volume of data available in an unstructured form. Hadoop and Map-Reduce have been continuously implementing and analyzing large amount of data. In this book Apache Pig, which is one of the high-level platform for analyzing large volume of data and runs on the top of Hadoop is used to analyze unstructured log files and extract information. In this book, weblog server files are used to analyze and extract meaningful information in an unstructured form to a structured form in Apache Pig framework. We will measure the efficiency and performance when a large volume of data is processed on Map-Reduce mode and local mode.


Verlag Scholars' Press
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2017
Maße 22 cm x 15 cm x 0.4 cm
Gewicht 107 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9786202304245
Seiten 60
