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Cross-Domain Identity Management

Cross-Domain Identity Management

von Stefan Dürbeck
Softcover - 9783000372834
39,00 €
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Today, governmental decision makers in the European Union (EU) are confronted with the task to harmonise national electronic Identity Management (eIDM) systems with approaches in other EU Member States to allow for seamless collaboration across boundaries and business sectors. However, effective instruments to assess the current state of progress in improving eIDM interoperability are lacking.

This work aims at filling that gap by introducing a novel maturity model for assessing the capability of national eIDM frameworks to interoperate across domains, according to the visionary requirements set out by European Union institutions.

A maturity model for globally interoperable eIDM frameworks in the European Union


Verlag Dürbeck
Ersterscheinung März 2012
Maße 21 cm x 14.8 cm x 1.7 cm
Gewicht 387 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783000372834
Seiten 264