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Critical Reflections on Teacher Education in South Africa

Critical Reflections on Teacher Education in South Africa

Hardcover - 9783031580895
171,19 €
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This edited volume focuses on Curriculum scholars' critical reflections on teacher education (TE) within South Africa to offer insights into critical considerations for the socio-economic, transformational, social and environmental justice and decolonization challenges that the country faces. Much of the literature on teacher education takes on a policy and practice focus to the exclusion of deep and fundamental curriculum questions on what is teacher education for, for whom, where and who decides. Within South Africa, the Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualification (MRTEQ) forms the official policy that informs teacher education curriculum and certification to become a teacher. This volume raises critical and complicated questions for teacher educators and curriculum scholars to inspire a deeper understanding of teacher education beyond a set of parochial policy prescribed modules/courses that one needs to take to become a professional teacher.


Verlag Springer International Publishing
Ersterscheinung Juni 2024
Maße 21 cm x 14.8 cm
Gewicht 418 Gramm
Format Hardcover
ISBN-13 9783031580895
Auflage 2024
Seiten 213