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Computer graphics

Computer graphics

Softcover - 9781157368069
47,79 €
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Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 249. Chapters: Computer animation, Image, Rendering, 2D computer graphics, Morphing, Render farm, Sketchpad, NAPLPS, Hard copy, Rasterisation, Key frame, Information visualization, Collision detection, Videotex, Framebuffer, Planar, Image map, Point cloud, Packed pixel, High-dynamic-range imaging, Turtle graphics, Light-on-dark color scheme, List of 8-bit computer hardware palettes, Molecular graphics, Autostereogram, Picture dictionary, Solid modeling, List of video game console palettes, Scientific visualization, High-dynamic-range rendering, Joseph Stanislaus Ostoja-Kotkowski, Subpixel rendering, Soft body dynamics, List of monochrome and RGB palettes, Favicon, Apple II graphics, List of color palettes, Physics engine, Raster scan, Tone mapping, Digital on-screen graphic, Linux color management, 3D modeling, List of software palettes, List of 16-bit computer hardware palettes, Visual analytics, Transparency, Film-out, 3D data acquisition and object reconstruction, Patent visualisation, Spriting, Transformation matrix, Software-driven graphics modes for the Atari 8-bit computers, Processing, VIEW Conference, Color histogram, Image resolution, Bidirectional reflectance distribution function, Software rendering, 3D rendering, Image quality, Hardware overlay, T-Square, 3D computer graphics, Non-photorealistic rendering, PenTile matrix family, Freeform surface modelling, Evolver, FoxTrax, Parallel rendering, Score bug, Inverse kinematics, Real-time computer graphics, Film recorder, Channel, Interactive skeleton-driven simulation, Scrolling, Graphics pipeline, Distinguishable interfaces, Rendering equation, Superquadrics, Thumbnail, Real Time rendering, Colour look-up table, Clipping, Genigraphics, Fiduciary marker, Image gradient, Monochrome monitor, Starlight Information Visualization System, Temporal anti-aliasing, IT8, Hierarchical RBF, Superellipsoid, Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Splash screen, Jasia Reichardt, Projective texture mapping, Cybernetic Serendipity, Vector-based graphical user interface, Function representation, Frame grabber, Image texture, Biological data visualization, Bidirectional scattering distribution function, Supertoroid, Simple Interactive Object Extraction, Terrain rendering, Scanimate, Space partitioning, Visualization software, Cloth modeling, Raster bar, PDE surface, Cheloniidae Turtle Graphics, TMS34010, Perlin noise, Generative Design, Vertex, 3D LUT, Distributed ray tracing, Texel, Reflection, Graphical Kernel System, Color image pipeline, Geometric primitive, Z-order, Display list, Swap Chain, Fillrate, HyperFun, Scan line, Full screen effect, LittleCMS, Direct Graphics Access, Interlacing, Video overlay, Twip, Vectorization, Image-based modeling and rendering, Screenless, Anti-Grain Geometry, Photon tracing, The Viewing Algorithm, Texture artist, Portal rendering, Split screen, Delta Electronics, Gonioreflectometer, FinalRender, HDRi, Adaptive tile refresh, Alternate frame rendering, Shader lamps, Texture splatting, Shape table, Bitmap textures, DispcalGUI, Visual hull, Photometric Stereo, Simulation noise, Realsoft, Resel, Virtual, Light transport theory, Verse protocol, Sprite multiplexing, Hit-testing, Binary pattern, View synthesis, Blitter object, New York Institute of Technology Computer Graphics Lab, Sports Plus Network, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Journal of Graphics Tools, Color gradient, Visual artifact, Fragment processing, Drop shadow, Render layer...

Computer animation, Image, Rendering, 2D computer graphics, Morphing, Render farm, Sketchpad, NAPLPS, Hard copy, Rasterisation, Key frame, Information visualization, Collision detection, Videotex, Framebuffer, Planar, Image map


Verlag Books LLC, Reference Series
Ersterscheinung Oktober 2014
Maße 24.6 cm x 18.9 cm x 1.4 cm
Gewicht 491 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9781157368069
Seiten 250