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Christian discipleship vs. Hitler's dictatorship. Commemorating Dietrich Bonhoeffer, man of God under the Third Reich

Christian discipleship vs. Hitler's dictatorship. Commemorating Dietrich Bonhoeffer, man of God under the Third Reich

von Andrea Tam
Softcover - 9783638895590
17,95 €
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Essay from the year 2005 in the subject History of Germany - National Socialism, World War II, , course: Gedenkrede am Massachusetts Institut of Technology, language: English, abstract: This paper has been given in April 2005 at MIT to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Dietrich Bonhoeffer¿s death.

Providing basic historical background information and quoting documents ¿ some of which are not well-known in the English speaking world ¿ it attempts to show what it meant for Bonhoeffer to be a disciple of Christ under the Third Reich.


Verlag GRIN Verlag
Ersterscheinung Januar 2008
Maße 21 cm x 14.8 cm x 0.3 cm
Gewicht 51 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783638895590
Auflage 2. Auflage
Seiten 24