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Cardiac-Vascular Remodeling and Functional Interaction

Softcover - 9784431670438
53,49 €
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Hardcover - 9784431701880
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Hardcover - 9784431701880
53,49 €


Cardiac performance is regulated not only by cardiac muscle properties but also by several other factors, including those associated with the neurohumoral system and the mechanical characteristics of the peripheral circulation. New information con cerning these regulatory factors has furthered our understanding of the pathophysi ology of cardiac dysfunction. However, controversy remains, along with a need to integrate these multidisciplinary findings. It was with this in mind, together with my continuing interest in the response of the normal and diseased heart to variations in loading conditions, that the satellite symposium entitled "Interactions Between Car diac Function and Vascular Dynamics" was organized and dedicated to my mentor, Dr. T. Takishima. The symposium was held in Fukushima, Japan, in 1992 following the Tenth Inter national Conference of the Cardiovascular Systems Dynamics Society in Kobe, Japan, which was organized by the then president of the society, Dr. Masatsugu Hori. The Fukushima symposium and the Kobe conference were stimulating and informative. To commemorate these events, Dr. Hori, Dr. Janicki, and I decided to publish this book. It covers topics that were presented then as well as pertinent new material. As a result, the book includes not only updated reviews but also up-to-date findings that were not considered at the two scientific sessions. The high level attained in this book is due to the outstanding contributions from internationally renowned scientists. This final product of their efforts should prove to be a valuable source of information to the reader.


Verlag Springer Tokyo
Ersterscheinung Januar 2013
Maße 23.5 cm x 15.5 cm
Gewicht 633 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9784431670438
Auflage Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1997
Seiten 402