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Campylobacter pylori

Campylobacter pylori

Softcover - 9783642833243
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Campy/o/meler pylori was described for the first time in 1983. Up to now more than 100 papers have been published dealing with its microbiological properties and its clinical implications. The lime has come to survey the field, to evaluate the hith erto accumulated information, and 10 discuss the questions thai should be answered in the ruture. It was for these purposes that the First International Symposium on Campy/abaeter pylori was held. bringing together specialists from a variety of discipl ines, including basic scientists as well as clinicians. This book is based on papers given at the symposium. We are very grateful 10 Rohm-Pharma for undertaking to sponsor this meeting, and to Mrs. C. 1. Klein and her starr for the impeccable organisation which permillcd us to work in such a pleasant environment, In the interest of rapidity of publication, we have reduced the amount of editing to a minimum and have not, in any sense, "re fereed" the discussions, which were written by the contributors at the time of the question-and-answer session. They were also veiled by their authors at the proof stage, and we have done our best to retain their original spontaneous flavour. We hope, in this way. 10 have produced a satisfactory record of the events and an up-Io-dale overview of research on Campylobacrer pylori.

Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Campylobacter pylori, Kronberg, June 12–13th, 1987


Verlag Springer Berlin
Ersterscheinung Dezember 2011
Maße 24.4 cm x 17 cm
Gewicht 468 Gramm
Format Softcover
ISBN-13 9783642833243
Auflage Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1988
Seiten 249